Tuesday 27 August 2013

She's Shaped Kinda Like a Schmo...

By: Chris "Sledge" Douglas

Having just written about Ayumi Kurihara's recent retirement, I was thinking of Aja Kong's part in that. That thought of course brought me to the moment I first saw her. A moment that would forever add a new word to my vocabulary...

Dateline December, 1995. You, a burgeoning joshi pro-wrestling fan has just seen a previously unknown (to you) woman named Aja Kong not only winning her Survivor Series match, but being given the distinction of being the sole survivor! Intrigued by her and her other previously unknown compatriots, you watch RAW, excited to see another match with this heretofore unknown performer. Then, early into the match, Vince McMahon drops one of the most awkward attempts at humor in quite some time:

Vince McMahon: Aja Kong the sole survivor of the Survivor Series matchup. Take a look if you would at the shape of Aja Kong. I would suggest that she uh, would not be competing in the uh, in the Olympics. A couple of extra chromosomes or something.

King: What???

Vince McMahon: Well look at her. She's shaped kinda like a schmo, if you would. I don't know.

First of all, the extra chromosomes thing I get, but it was not funny at all.

Second, a what?? A schmo??? What the everloving hell is a schmo???????

Someone who looks like Aja Kong??? Wha?????


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